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Exploring Taos
Exploring Taos

Exploring Taos

New Mexico // 10 February

Taos is in a very pretty spot surrounded by mountains on one side and the Rio Grande Gorge on the other. It was strange to be in a desert landscape with snow on the ground. The Rio Grande Gorge was super impressive, hard to capture in a photo!

Rio Grande Gorge… The snow started coming down heavily as we arrived at the Rio Grande Gorge. We did a quick walk on the bridge and then Chris spotted some longhorn sheep. They obviously like the vegetation in the picnic area as they have to jump a very high fence to get to it!

Old Town… It was still snowing heavily when we arrived back in town. We had a short walk around the old town center and browsed through the touristy shops. There were only a few people around due to though we did meet one interesting and friendly local who invited us back for rafting in the summer.