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Gettysburg National Military Park
Gettysburg National Military Park

Gettysburg National Military Park

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania // 22 July

We had stunning weather for our day exploring the Gettysburg National Military Park, Cemetery and Visitor Center. We started at the Visitor Center where we learnt about the battle of Gettysburg, visited the Museum and viewed the Cyclorama, an amazing 42 foot high, 360 degree painting from 1883 that has been restored. The battlefields surround the town and there are driving, cycle and walking routes to visit the battlefields and the memorials that have since been erected to commemorate the various Armies, Battalions and battles. There’s also an audio tour you can listen to on you phone as you drive to the various locations. We did the drive then stopped to walk through the cemetery, which is nearby to the place of Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address.